Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

Broken Rope at Flag Ceremony

Seven years ago when I was in fourth grade elementary school, I and two my friends was asked to be flag riser in flag ceremony on Monday. I and two my friends practiced for four consecutivedays. And Monday was coming. I and two of my friends was ready for the raising. I was in the middle of two of my friends. When the raising is began and the flag was ready to pull to the top, one of my friend pulled the rope, the flag suddenly fell. unfortunatly the rope broken. Finally ceremony happened without the raising flag.  

4 komentar:

Vivian Ayu Cyntya mengatakan...

ceritanya lucu , tetapi bahasanya msih janggal :D

Retno Yuliastuti mengatakan...

Katanya ada yg salah dikit, interesting story, :D

Lutfia Nanda Sari mengatakan...

yg mn yg janggal..?:D

yudhaagiel mengatakan...

yudha agiel
wow, ceritanya ckup lucu, tapi perlu ditingkankan lgi yah..
kyak huruf kapital tuh diperhatikan, unfortunately it depannya hruf besar..
trs yg klimat kedua itu pakenya "were" kn jamak tuh... hehe lanjtkan...!

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